This month we learned all about ‘The Rainforest’. In Aistear, the children built on their knowledge of the rainforest. They created animals and even new species in playdough, measured the length and height of animals during water play and used natural materials such as rocks, twigs and leaves to build a small world of a rainforest. During sensory play with the water beads, they used the letters to spell rainforest related words. The children enjoyed making a rainforest jigsaw puzzle and 2nd Class completed some word puzzles too. The role play area was recreated into a rainforest and the children went into role as explorers in the rainforest and completed checklists of the animals they found on their adventures. Some were using tweezers to gently lift some insects up for close examination! In Art the children completed some fantastic toucan pictures. They started with creating rainforest backgrounds and looked at the different shades of green that can be mixed in paint and also the different shapes and lines that can be drawn to make leaves. The children explored the work of Henri Rousseau and his rainforest painting to help inspire them. The children really enjoyed following a step-by-step video of how to draw a toucan which they then coloured with oil pastels. To continue the focus on toucans, 2nd Class researched facts about toucans and prepared the information they found to write reports about them.

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