This month’s theme was the ‘Garden Centre’. The children have been exploring the theme through play, by building a small world of a garden centre, acting in role as gardeners and customers in a garden centre in the role play area, making tools and plants from playdough and using plant pots, trowels, watering cans and tools during sensory play. They have developed their vocabulary about plants and tools we would use in the garden. They have been busy planting seeds and investigating what plants need to grow. The children planted pumpkins, sunflowers, forget-me-nots, carrots and potatoes. We will be very busy looking after our seeds and watching them grow before we plant the seedlings into the planters outside. In Art, we recycled some bottles and decorated them with tissue paper to make flowers. We also used recycled materials to paint a spring flower garden. In History, we learned about the myth of Narcissus too, and created a comic strip based on the story. 2nd Class were very busy researching facts about ‘daffodils’ and wrote reports based on the information they found. We investigated the plant life that we have in our school grounds, sorting natural materials according to their colour and also labelling parts of a flower and a birch tree.

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