Mosaic Art

Firstly we painted a sheet of A4 paper different shades of blue . When it dried we cut it up and stuck our design to black card. We added a […]

The Late Late Toy Show

For Art we designed Ryan Tubridy’s Christmas jumper. We also had a toy day in school and brought in our favourite toy for show and tell. The Late Late Toy […]

Spanish Lessons

Aitziber, a TY Student from Wilson’s Hospital School came in for work experience. She is from Spain and taught a Spanish lesson to the senior room. It was really great […]

Aistear – December 2021

December has arrived and that only means one thing – Christmas!! The children in the Junior Room are very excited for Christmas. The children have been busy little elves helping […]

Aistear – November 2021

This month the Junior Room were off to outer space. In History, the children learned about Neil Armstrong and his team landing on the moon. We also learned about the […]

Aistear – October 2021

Autumn arrived in the Junior Room and the children were exploring the signs of Autumn in the school grounds. In S.E.S.E. the children went on a hunt for signs of […]

September 2021 Update!

We have been looking at myself and houses and homes as our theme for the month. In S.E.S.E. we have been talking about the members of our family, explored the […]