The Junior Room was busy at work this morning getting ready for the Teddy Bear’s picnic. They discussed what they needed to bring with them to the picnic, making a list that included a picnic basket, a blanket, food, fruit, treats, plates, cutlery, juice, napkins and importantly our teddies!

They got to work making some wrap pizzas for their picnic. They used wraps for the base and spread tomato purée on top, and then they chose their toppings from ham, pepperoni, pineapple, sweetcorn and cheese. Once they were happy with their pizzas, we popped them in the oven.

While they were cooking, the children packed up their picnic basket, making sure to tick each item off their list. We got our teddies, and introduced them to one another, before listening to a story ‘Slug Needs A Hug’.

Once our pizzas were cooked, off we went on our Teddy Bear’s Picnic. We found a nice spot in the school grounds and we tucked in. Our pizzas and strawberries were delicious! We enjoyed some crisps and chocolate too. We had a really enjoyable picnic. Thank you, teddies, for joining us!

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